Every year, Seniors of the FACES programs are officially inducted into the program through the Blue Coat Ceremony. A “blue doctor’s coat”, emblemed with the FACES logo, is given to each student in a formal ceremony, as they proceed to start their internships with their chosen preceptor sites. Internships are the most integral parts of being in a FACES program because that is when the real hands-on and on the field work actually happens for the students.

(A student receiving her Blue Coat on stage.)
FACES San Francisco Health Scholars Academy had their annual Blue Coat Ceremony this past Monday, October 24, 2016 at the Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital. The event started with a welcoming speech given by the Program Coordinator, Veronica Sanchez, followed by speeches from Dr. Tapia, Assistant Professor, Department of Family & Community Medicine, Erik Rice, Director of College and Career Pathways, and Vincent Toan, Assistant Principal, John O’Connell High School. Then, the students were individually called and presented with their blue coats on stage.

(Veronica Sanchez, FACES for the Future San Francisco Program Coordinator, Erik Rice, Director of College and Career Pathways, San Francisco Unified School District, Byron Decuire, Clinical Supervisor, Respiratory Care Services, Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital, Blue Walcer, Health Education Manager, Primary Care, San Francisco Health Network ,Vincent Toan, Assistant Prinicipal, John O’Connell High School, Paola Zuniga, Community Schools Coordinator, John O’Connell High School, Sarah Christensen, Health and Behavior Science, Health Teacher, John O’Connell High School, Calen Swift, Health and Behavior Science, English Teacher, John O’Connell High School, Richard Moore, Health and Behavior Science, Chemistry Teacher, John O’Connell High School)
We want to congratulate the FACES San Francisco Health Scholars Academy Senior students on receiving their blue coats and share how excited we are for the start of their internships!

(Group photo of Student in Blue Coats)
Thank you to the following partners of the FACES San Francisco program, for making all of this possible:
San Francisco Unified School District, San Francisco Department of Public Health, UCSF, Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital, John O’Connell High School