Our first scholarship fundraising campaign last year was a success! We were able to reach our goal of providing two $1,500 college scholarships to two FACES health scholars. This year, we are continuing this fundraising effort!

Each year, we show appreciation to a few of our coalition's supporters and champions by honoring them on a one-time scholarship. Last year, we commemorated Elisabet Herrera, a FACES alumna and Loan Mass, a FACES partner. Because our student numbers have increased, this year, we are fundraising to provide six scholarships instead of two, with a total goal of $9,000.

The total proceeds will be divided into six scholarships, to be awarded to FACES health scholars through an application process. ALL proceeds are tax-deductible and will go directly to our FACES health scholars under these scholarships. No proceeds will be going to affiliates being honored or towards any FACES programming.

Change the face of health. Donate today!


This year, the scholarships will be awarded in honor of the following supporters, champions, and partners, and their commitment to our students and our organization's mission. Again, 100% of proceeds will go towards funding these scholarships, to be awarded to our students through an application process. Click on each scholarship to read more about each honoree. Don't forget to click on the donate button to donate today!

Linda Aug Scholarship for Nursing - $1,500

Cheri Fidler Scholarship for Healthcare - $1,500

Henry Sanchez Scholarship for Healthcare - $1,500

Leslie Preston Memorial Scholarship for Mental/Behavioral Health - $1,500

James Jackson Scholarship for Healthcare - $1,500

Samuel Merritt University Scholarship for Healthcare - $1,500


Help us spread the word on this Scholarship Fund!